AmigaActive (50/2143)

From:Blasio Muscat
Date:1 May 2000 at 23:44:40
Subject:Re:Twister Int. (was Power Flyer questions).


> By the way, what download speeds do you get with yours?

2.5 ~ 3 k/s continious. Bursts especially on text can be quite a bit
higher, but it's hard to tell how accurate the values are. I even get
15k/s quoted by voyager sometimes, but that's usually on very small
files, so the actual value would be much less.

-- BPhantom --

--* Coding is my life *--

If life teaches anything at all, it teaches that there are so many
happy endings that the man who believes there is no God needs his
rationality called into serious question.
-- Bill Denbrough (from IT by Stephen King)

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